Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious disease that, until recently, was considered simply a skin disease. A special feature of the inflammatory process in certain areas of the skin in psoriasis patients is the normal skin cell life cycle of about 30-40 days, while for psoriasis it is 4-5 days, i. e. 4 days, the skin cells die gradually, forming plaque. , dry, flaky skin, v. v.
The current complex and difficult to treat disease treatment is urgent not only for dermatologists, many other specialists are often involved in determining the cause of psoriasis. in patients, and also directly involved in the complex treatment of the disease. Today, medicine considers psoriasis in terms of the deteriorating system of the body, not just an inflammatory skin disease.
Even its name has changed, now it is a psoriasis. Why say psoriasis is a general disease? Because in the patient a number of different disorders of the general body function are found at the same time - in the nervous, endocrine, immune systems. In medicine, there are several types of psoriasis, there is also a large number of reasons that lead to the appearance of this disease, mainly this is theoretical, since there is no conclusive evidence of the alleged causes. Hey, we will look at them in more detail.
Some facts:Psoriasis is not contagious as it is thought to be caused by a malfunction in the human immune system, namely, overactive T lymphocyteslevels on the skin. Psoriasis is classified as an inherited condition, with psoriasis in one of the parents, the risk of psoriasis in a child is 25%, if both parents have it. In addition to genetic predisposition or recurrence of psoriasis is due to the use of antibiotics, NSAIDs, and B vitamins, as well as stress, alcohol, and skin trauma.
Viral theory of the cause of psoriasis

Several studies done among patients with psoriasis have discovered different changes in the peripheral lymph nodes, which may indicate the viral nature of the development. development of this disease. It is suspected that retrovirus itself, which is genetically transmitted, may be one of the causes of psoriasis, but to demonstrate the viral nature of the origin of psoriasis it is necessary to identify the virus, isolating and choosing habitat, and so far no one has done this.
The fact that retroviruses are capable of altering the host's genetic code, with the help of reverse transcription enzymes, they are capable of synthesizing DNA, and a "false program" is formed in thecells alter the human genome. However, it has been shown that even when transfusion of blood from a psoriasis patient to a healthy person, infection or transmission of the disease has never been documented. Therefore, the version of the viral cause that causes psoriasis has not been proven yet.
Immune causes of psoriasis
This is one of the generally accepted theories about the cause of psoriasis, since cellular immunity is considered to be the leading cause of the disease. It has long been found that in people with a hereditary predisposition to psoriasis, in the case of a foci of chronic infection - tonsillitis, sinusitis, demonstrating impaired immunity - areFactors that provoke the onset of psoriasis.
When the main focus of psoriasis occurred, medicine also assumed that epidermal damage was due to autoimmune invasion. In many studies of patients with psoriasis, abnormalities in immune complexes, antibodies, immunoglobulins, the cause of Munro microabsorption, have been identified.
During the activation of the inflammatory process of psoriasis, the susceptibility of the skin increases sharply, so in places of physical or chemical irritation, a characteristic rash of psoriasis appears. When the skin scabs were examined, the antigens and autoantibodies to them were found in the blood, which were not present in healthy people on the skin or in the blood.
This fact provides the basis for asserting that autoimmune processes play an important role in the cause of psoriasis. But any process, even an immune response, takes place in the body as in an integrated system, so it is necessary to take into account a combination of other factors, such as internal effects. secretion, genetic factors, metabolic disorders, should be taken into account.
Infectious theory of the development of psoriasis
Many researchers a hundred years ago tried to look for the infectious agent of psoriasis, streptococci, spirochetes and the epidermis considered guilty for its appearance. However, no pathogenic microorganisms, the fungus, after research, was not found to be the cause of psoriasis.
However, infectious diseases, tonsillitis, and ARVI affect the initial exacerbation or onset of psoriasis, especially in the cold season, when the immune system is weakened and the patient often psoriasis. hospitalized.
Some authors believe that the development of psoriasis on the background of acute and chronic infections is explained by the impulse current from the focus of the infection to the endocrine and genital systems, leading to restructuring of the body's response. Very often, particularly in 90% of cases, chronic tonsillitis is accompanied by psoriasis, which confirms the effect of the infectious process and impaired immunity on the development of psoriasis. .
Also, according to many experts, there is an allergic cause due to an infection that causes psoriasis. Its proponents believe that psoriasis is an allergic tissue reaction to viruses, streptococci and their metabolic products. However, both the viral and infectious theory has not been confirmed.
Inherited Causes
This cause is based on a familial psoriasis manifestation between near and far relatives. However, psoriasis should not be considered a serious genetic disease, nor should diabetes, cancer, or myocardial ischemia, since psoriasis itself is not hereditary, but rather a predisposition. its genetic direction. Yes, 60% of patients with psoriasis have an ancestor or a close relative with the disease, and if one of the parents does, then by theoretical probability the child's risk of developing psoriasis increases by 25%. , and if both parents are sick, up to 75%.
However, psoriasis does not always suffer, it is only caused by genetic factors. The disease has recently become very common in clinical practice, and there is not always a direct dependence on an associated predisposition. In psoriasis, the cause occurs so many factors that it is impossible to clearly indicate a specific cause. Because the causative factor is a violation of protein or carbohydrate metabolism, and changes in lipid, enzyme metabolism, associated with streptococcal infection or viral nature.
Metabolic disturbances are a contributor to psoriasis
If we look at the metabolic disorder in psoriasis, then in many patients, the body temperature is slightly reduced, and this is one of the symptoms of a slow metabolism, the increase in cholesterol. this was noted, indicating changes in lipid metabolism. Due to its high cholesterol content, many researchers consider psoriasis as a lipophilic disease and consider its proliferation as an initial manifestation of dermatological disease, since a violation of lipid metabolism stimulates the formation of keratinization. of the skin.
Also, in psoriasis, the metabolism of vitamins is disturbed, especially vitamins C, A, B12, and B6, while the vitamin C content in the skin increases. In addition, changes in the content of iron, copper, and zinc were noted, significantly reducing the adaptive properties of the human body. Nearly 25% of psoriasis patients also have diabetes, however, some researchers consider this not the cause of psoriasis, but rather it is a manifestation of psoriasis.
As the disease progresses, the basal metabolism in psoriasis patients usually increases, and in metabolic patients often presents with hypothyroidism, the endocrine, gonads are present, at 60% of patients with psoriasis, general carbohydrate metabolism disorders. Low-calorie foods, or even moderate fasting, reduce the body's own self-detoxification process, so a diet when treating psoriasis will improve the patient's condition.
Psoriasis triggers
At the current stage of medical research in the field of determining the cause of psoriasis, we can say that this is a recurrent systemic disease that is constantly appearing in people with a genetic predisposition. , at the same time disrupting various metabolism of the central nervous system.
Both during the onset of psoriasis and an exacerbation of existing chronic psoriasis, the main triggers are often stress, trauma, prolonged fatigue and nervous tension.
Stress triggers immune and biochemical responses that contribute to the development of psoriasis. However, sometimes negative emotions help complete the clinical symptoms of psoriasis. According to a survey of patients with psoriasis, this trigger was the cause of the onset of the disease in 49% of patients and 41% of the recurrence of psoriasis.
Infectious diseases, vaccinations, foci of chronic infection
Often found tonsillitis, sinusitis, STIs, otitis media, etc. v. , especially the highly virulent streptococcus. For exacerbations of the disease, this factor is relevant in 21% of patients, and for the onset of psoriasis, infection is an activation mechanism in 15% of patients.
Hormonal changes in women
During pregnancy, lactation, during menopause or in adolescence - in 6% of patients surveyed, this is also a factor that provokes the development of psoriasis.
Wounds, bites, burns
Any trauma to the skin - in 12-14% of patients the appearance of psoriasis is caused by physical trauma.
Prolonged hypothermia
The cause of psoriasis or its exacerbation in 5% of patients.
Such as any antibiotic, NSAID. Vitamin therapy - especially vitamins C, B, beta blockers, cytostatics, vaccinations, the use of herbal remedies for treatment - this provokes the onset of psoriasis in 6% of patients.
Food poisoning, abuse of certain foods
Chocolate, citrus fruits and other products - according to the patient survey, this is the cause of psoriasis in 4% of patients.
Drinking alcohol
Additionally, a provoking factor inducing generalization of the inflammatory process shortens remission time and increases the risk of complications, which was indicated by 3% of respondents.
Climate change
High humidity, prolonged exposure to intense ultraviolet radiation, sudden changes in temperature and humidity - causes exacerbation in 2% of patients.
The initial symptoms of psoriasis can occur regardless of age, it appears frequently in infants and in people 20-40 years old, even in old age, psoriasis can occur. begins to grow. Of course, the earlier it appears, the more severe the consequences it can cause to the patient. If psoriasis begins in a person after 30 years, it is often accompanied by gastritis, liver disease, overweight, various neurological diseases, diabetes, arthritis and others.